Needless to say, I went through the typical process of break

Besides demonstrating what it is like to go through the funded futures trader companies, I also put up content about the passing process of funded trader companies, reviews of funded futures trading companies, videos of trading futures and well lots of futures trading related things. Explore the site, I’m continually adding to the reviews as well as adding blog posts. Of course the deals page might be of interest if you are considering a funded futures trading company, as several companies have been nice enough to allow me to pass on both one-time deals as well as ongoing deals.I have an extensive background in business, both at the executive level and in consulting. I left the corporate and consulting worlds though about 2015 to pursue other business adventures. Basically I was bored of the corporate and consulting worlds. After starting a few businesses that are fairly self sufficient now, I finally found myself with the time to try out an interest. For more click here  #takeprofittrad